Contact Us:

670 Lafayette Ave, Brooklyn,
NY 11216

+1 800 966 4564
+1 800 9667 4558

To better connect with their audience and provide valuable information about textile
fairs and events, SSTM Pvt. Ltd. sought to develop a dedicated mobile application. The
challenge was to create an application that was both functional and user-friendly,
offering easy access to event details and updates. We designed and launched the
Textile Fairs India app on the Google Play Store, incorporating features such as event
listings, notifications, and detailed information about upcoming textile fairs. The app
was developed to provide a seamless user experience with intuitive navigation and realtime updates. The successful deployment of the app helped SSTM Pvt. Ltd. establish a
valuable resource for users interested in textile events, enhancing their engagement
and expanding their reach within the industry.


SSTM Pvt. Ltd., Bengaluru


01. Challenge

To connect users with information about textile fairs and events, SSTM
Pvt. Ltd. needed a dedicated mobile application that was both functional and userfriendly. The challenge was to develop an app that would effectively serve this purpose
and engage users.

02. Solution

We designed and launched the Textile Fairs India app on the Google Play
Store. The app included features such as event listings, notifications, and detailed
information about textile fairs. It was designed to be intuitive and easy to navigate,
enhancing the user experience.


03. Results

The app provided a valuable resource for users interested in textile events,
leading to increased engagement and better access to event information. The
successful launch on the Play Store expanded SSTM Pvt. Ltd.’s reach and established
them as a key player in the textile events industry.